Sara P.

Sara P.

Kamnik35 yfrom 10 € for an h

Živjo! Moje ime je Sara. Iščem delo varuške v Kamniku ,Domžalah in Kranju saj imam rada otroke in mi delo z njimi ni tuje.Rada berem pravljice ali se igram z otroci,ustvarjam,grem z njimi na sprehod... Zelo mi je všeč njihova družba.Znam tudi kaj skuhati po receptu .Službeno sem osebna asistentka invalidnim osebam. Za delovnik se bi sproti dogovarjali saj delam izmensko ...Vesela bom vašega kontakta..

Phone number: visible only to members


0 recommends

Time: agreed individually

Pay: from 10 € for an h

Au pair: not interested

Baby sitting
  • Can work in own home

  • Can work with the disabled

  • Can work with pets

  • Can go outside with children

  • Can do shopping

  • Can cook

  • Can do the cleaning

  • Have a driving license

  • Have a car

  • Don't smoke


I would work with

  1. Babies, 0-1 years old

  2. Toddlers, 2-3 years old

  3. Preschoolers, 4-6 years old

  4. Gradeschoolers, 7-11 years old

  5. Teens, 12-18 years old



Courses: first aid courses